The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the Several Nations of the Known World. Represented in above an Hundred Copper-plates, together with historical explanations, and several curious dissertations written originally in French, and now published in English, with very considerable amendments and additions. 7 in 6 Bdn. London, Prevost und Du Bosc, 1731-39. Gr.-Fol. (46,5 x 29 cm; Bde. I-III) und Fol. (41 x 26 cm). Mit 7 tls. wdh. gestoch. Titelvign., 219 (statt 220) tls. doppelblattgr. und gefalt. Kupfertafeln sowie einigen gestoch. figürl. Kopfvign. Restauriertes Ldr. d. Zt. (Rücken erneuert). (175)
Startpreis: 2.000 - 3.000,- €
regelbesteuert 7% MwSt.

Erste englische Ausgabe. – Sabin 4939 (unter Bernard). – Erweiterte Ausgabe des 1723-37 erstmals erschienenen, reich illustrierten Werks über die religiösen Gebräuche bei den Juden, Katholiken, Griechisch-Orthodoxen und Protestanten, den Anglikanern und Quäkern, den Muslimen, den indigenen Völkern Amerikas und den asiatischen Völkern. – Bekannt unter dem Namen des Stechers Bernard Picart, da der Autor Jean Frédéric Bernard anonym bleiben wollte. – Ein erster Teil zu Bd. IV/2 ist nicht erschienen. – Zur Kollation: Bd. I: die Erklärung der Tafeln vor dem Vorwort des Übersetzers eingebunden; in Bd. II und III beginnt die Erklärung der Tafeln mit S. V, ob Vorstücke fehlen konnten wir nicht feststellen; die Tafeln in den Bdn. I-IV (tls. irrig) nummeriert von 1-166 und tls. in der Reihenfolge verbunden. – Es fehlt Tafel 119 in Bd. IV. – Bd. IV: letztes Bl. aufgezogen; Vorsätze jeweils erneuert, nur vereinzelt etw. braunfleckig, tls. etw. wellig, unterschiedlich gebräunt. – Jeweils mod. Wappenexlibris.

First English-language edition of the monumental work written and edited by writer and printer Jean Frédéric Bernard, and illustrated by Bernard Picart, one of the most important engravers of the 18th century (as Frédéric chose to remain anonymous, the work was printed under Picart’s name only). These volumes offer comprehensive descriptions of the theology, ceremonies and traditions of the major religions of the world – Judaism, various Christian and Muslim sects, and various polytheistic religions of America, Africa and Asia. The first volume discusses the history and customs of the Jews and the Roman Catholics. It includes essays on several Jewish sects: Orthodox Jews, Ashkenazi and Portuguese (Sephardic) Jews, Samaritans, Karaites, Sadducees, Chinese Jews, and more, accompanied by fine engravings, among which: the inauguration of the Portuguese synagogue in Amsterdam, various Jewish customs, ceremonies and holidays (such as the wedding ceremony, laying tefillin, circumcision and redemption of the first-born son, the Passover seder, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah), ceremonial objects, and Catholic ceremonies and customs. – One of the outstanding illustrated books printed in the 18th century. – A first part to volume IV/2 was never published. – Concerning the collation: volume I: the explanation of the plates is rebound infront of the preface of the translator; the explanation of the plates starts with page V in volume II and III, we were not able to determine if possible prefaces are missing; the plates in the volumes I-IV, partly incorrectly, numbered 1-166 and partly rebound. – plate 119 of volume IV is missing. – Volume IV: last sheet is mounted; all endpapers are renewed, only spradically somewhat soiled, partly slightly undulated, tanned to various degrees. – Restored, contemporary calf (spine restored). – Each with a modern heraldic bookplate.